TJC Blog

10 Golden Rules For Healthy Skin
Taking care of your skin encompasses so much more than skincare. Factors like lifestyle, hygiene practices and the way you apply your products need to be considered if you aim to nurture good skin health. That's why we've put together...
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Springcare Essentials
It's time to switch up your skincare routine for Spring! While winter was all about adding extra nourishment with facial oils and moisturisers, warmer weather means protecting your skin from the sun and choosing more lightweight products that keep your...
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5-Step Night Routine
If you are someone who has access to social media, you are likely swamped every day with beauty gurus spruiking new products, trends and routines to get the best skin of your life. But one question that everyone seems to...
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4 Steps To Slow Ageing Skin
Sun, air-conditioning and years of facial expressions can certainly affect your skin’s condition and appearance, as well as its health. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and becomes drier, increasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The way...
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