101 Ways To Use Jojoba

101 Uses of Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil is one of the most versatile all natural skincare ingredients out there. And if you’re already seeing great results on your face – well that’s just the beginning. Turns out jojoba is so gentle, safe and naturally packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants that there are literally 101 uses (or more), from beauty and baby care to healing and hair care.
Some Surprises
There are some surprises here, with clever ways to enhance your existing products using jojoba or starting a whole new routine. So look out for Parts Two and Three of this ‘101 Jojoba Uses’ series as we count down the list.
Let’s kick-off with the basics: cleansing, exfoliating, moisturising and extra gentle care for babies.
Why is Jojoba Good for your Skin?
- Let’s start with exactly what is jojoba? The jojoba bean is the only plant on earth that produces a wax that mimics your skin’s natural oils. Because jojoba is similar to your own natural sebum (moisturise coating your skin) it has a very unique ability to penetrate deep into the skin’s layers. That means deep, rich moisture for your skin.
- Jojoba skincare takes you from cleansing to moisturising and everything in between. Jojoba works great alone or you can simply add it to your favourite products. Start here with a good jojoba cleanse:
- It’s a very gentle cleanser, perfect for sensitive skin. Use it as an alternative to harsh soap based products.
- Gently removes stubborn waterproof mascara and make-up. Use on a cotton pad or apply jojoba directly to skin, massage gently & wipe over with warm damp cloth.
- When used as a make-up remover jojoba will condition your lashes at the same time.
- After your workout try adding a few drops to a cotton pad & wipe over entire face to dissolve dirt and grime.
- Use jojoba & a drop of dish soap to clean your make-up brushes. Jojoba conditions brushes. Clean often to stop bacteria build-up.
Super Gentle Exfoliation – Jojoba
- Dissolving blackheads: massage jojoba over area, then wipe away with cotton pad.
- General Exfoliation: Gentle massage jojoba then wipe very gently with damp soft cloth. Removes built-up dead skin cells.
- Look-out for natural jojoba beads in exfoliating products as an alternative to tiny plastic particles. Jojoba beads are round and smooth on your skin (no micro-scratches). Also, kind on the environment. They naturally dissolve and don’t build up in ecosystems.
Jojoba Face Oil
- Extremely gentle, suitable for sensitive skin
- Also perfect for combination skin, with the ability to balance dry/oily patches
- Remarkably non-greasy, quickly absorbed. Perfect for dry winter skin
- High in omega 6 & 9. Helps reduce skin pigmentation
- Balances uneven skin tone
- Brightens skin
- Rich in naturally occurring skin regenerating Vitamin A. Wrinkles & fine lines look softer.
- Powerful antioxidants protect skin from aging, it’s a natural jojoba youth potion
Jojoba and Rosehip
- Jojoba Rosehip Oil combines the best of both oils. Jojoba penetrates deeply carrying all the rosehip nutrients down into skin layers.
Moisturise and smooth
- Reduce crow’s feet. A powerful key ingredient in eye skincare ranges. (Straight jojoba oil tends to be too rich if applied directly to eyes as a daily moisturiser.)
- For an intense moisture boost apply under your favourite hydrating mask. Use before a special event or to combat winter dryness.
- Add a few drops to your foundation/bb cream for smoother application
- Try adding extra moisture under your lip balm during cold, dry windy weather
- Jojoba oil and ache: Helps break the yo-yo cycle, skin too dry or too oily, by regulating skin’s natural oil production.
- Get immediate relief for a red, chaffed nose from allergies & colds. No fragrances, so won’t sting or irritate broken skin
- Before fake tanning smooth out elbow & knee dry patches for an even, natural finish.
- Place a tiny amount on fingertip and smooth over eyebrows. Conditions and refines brows.
Jojoba Body Pampering
- Don’t neglect your body. Take a few minutes after your shower to moisturise and nourish your skin. It won’t take long, especially as your skin is still a little moist, so the oil simply glides across. It feels like a small, well deserved treat and your skin will glow with health.
- Your delicate neck & décolletage area needs some daily TLC. Regular moisture helps minimise wrinkles and sun damage
- Apply jojoba around your neck in winter. Scarves and high neck lines draw away moisture.
- Reduces the appearance of age spots
- If you have time for no other areas, focus moisture on elbows and knees. Keeps skin even and smooth
- Eliminates flaky winter skin and shedding when used as body moisturiser
Shaving and Waxing
- Smooth on a little jojoba before & after shaving for less blade friction, irritation and red lumps.
- Can also be used instead of shaving cream with some razors
- Smooth over skin after waxing to calm redness and irritation
- After a day of sun, surf & sand apply jojoba all over. Jojoba restores hydration levels & adds a layer of protection.
Pamper Feet
- Gently massage jojoba into your feet, then pop on a pair of socks for a restorative treatment. Great skin makes your pedicure shine.
Natural Skincare for Mums and Babies
The best choice for baby’s sensitive skin is to avoid products with PEG’s (polyethylene glycols are petroleum-based compounds), mineral oils or sulphates. Also look for no artificial fragrances or colours.
Jojoba Safe During Pregnancy
- Jojoba is all this, and has the added bonus of having naturally occurring Vitamin A, which unlike synthetic formulas is safe during pregnancy and for babies. Vitamin A is important for skin regeneration.
No Fragrance
- During pregnancy you may become sensitive to odours or fragrances. Jojoba oil smells like, well, nothing much, it has an extremely neutral odour.
- Pretty much odourless and deeply moisturising it can help reduce stretch marks
Jojoba Nappy Rash & Cradle Cap
- Heals and soothes nappy rash, without irritating inflamed and broken skin
- Reduces and moisturises cradle cap
- Relives those tender cheeks from wind chap without the use of harsh creams
- Jojoba pampers & soothes baby skin irritations without any artificial chemicals or fragrances
Baby Bath n’ Bed Time
- Jojoba is the perfect bath oil for sensitive baby skin. (Take extra care when getting them out of the bath as they Redmay be a little more slippery)
- Create a little baby massage routine by very gently rubbing all over to protect skin – discover which moves put a smile on their face
- Jojoba is quickly absorbed as a moisturiser, with little or no ‘greasy residue’
Healthy You, Clean Planet
- And as you take care of yourself, you are also doing your part for a healthier planet:
- Earth Friendly – a jojoba crop removes carbon from the atmosphere as it grows – it’s carbon negative.
Healing and Soothing Jojoba Oil
Jojoba ‘101 Uses’ – part 2 is all about healing, from acne, to minor cuts or persistent skin allergies like eczema; there’re also a few DYI skincare ideas. Jojoba has become the ‘one stop’ bottle in lots of medicine cabinets because it’s packed with natural healing properties and very low on irritants. Jojoba has no strong smell or stinging chemicals, making it perfect for many skin conditions. Chances of an allergic reaction are very low, even on the most sensitive skin.
Why is Jojoba good for skin conditions?
Jojoba naturally contains a balance of vitamins A and E. These are known as skin healing vitamins:
- Vitamin A – is an antioxidant vitamin, it helps skin repair, stay moist, and produce enzymes that are used in the production of collagen. Collagen is the base for skin or wound repair.
- Vitamin E – has anti-inflammatory properties in protecting skin. Also helps prevent UV damage caused from free radicals
Jojoba Wax – Nature’s ‘Band Aid’
Jojoba’s wax ester (oil) is the closest natural ingredient to our skin’s own sebum. The sebum coating our skin keeps it moist and protects against infections. It prevents skin drying and cracking, which lets bacteria enter your body. Sebum also stops the growth of harmful bacteria by making skin slightly acidic, an environment where some harmful bacteria can’t grow.
Jojoba and Skin Allergies
The first step to managing skin allergies is to get a good diagnosis on the causes, so you know what to avoid. It could be something you are eating, inhaling or coming into contact with. Once you know how to avoid the causes, you can help break the cycle by calming and healing your skin.
Help Break the ‘Flare Up’ Cycles
Jojoba is safe and soothing, and will reduce many of the symptoms that go with a flare-up. It works on different fronts to prevent infections, reduce pain, itching and swelling. It works like our own sebum and is naturally:
- antibacterial
- antiviral
- antifungal
- analgesic (reduces pain)
- anti-inflammatory
- hypoallergenic
When to use Jojoba Oil on allergies?
Jojoba can be used to help prevent flare-ups and shortens the recovery time in your allergy cycles. Simply apply a light coat to area morning and evening.
- Jojoba helps break the cycle of skin irritations by deeply moisturising. Dry, broken or scaly skin is open to infections and triggers flare-ups.
- Dermatitis/eczema: helps reduce redness and inflammation
- Rosacea: reduces itching, burning and tenderness
- Psoriasis: helps treat red patches and scaly skin
- Soothes blepharitis eyelid inflammation, irritation and itchiness
Jojoba Benefits in Wound Healing
First step in wound healing is to keep it clean to stop an infection. For minor scrapes avoid the prolonged use of irritants like hydrogen peroxide, iodine or alcohol. They dry out the skin and actually slow-down healing. Keep a protective jojoba oil barrier over the wound to speed-up repair and reduce scaring.
- Insect bites: eases itch and inflammation
- Use for surgical wounds: reduces scaring
- Abrasions: helps natural scab do its protective job
- Minor cut: jojoba is naturally anti-bacterial
- Use for minor infections to reduce swelling
- Soothes newly pierced earlobes: protects against infection
- Apply to a bruised black eye before applying appropriate cold treatment: protects skin from swelling & cold temperature
Natural Treatments for Minor Burns
Absolute first step in any burn situation is to apply lots of cool water (don’t use ice, it makes it worse) until the pain eases, or for at least 20 minutes. If it’s a minor burn you can follow-up with care at home.
- Minor Burns, if the blister is unbroken apply a layer of jojoba to help in healing, prevent infections and minimise scaring.
Dry and Sensitive Skin & Dehydration
If you’re nursing a cold or flu, or recovering from something more serious, chances are you are also dehydrated. During illness our nutrition is often compromised—not hungry/thirsty or too tired to prepare good meals. Your skin can feel sensitive or dry because of dehydration.
Jojoba Skin Care during Illness
- Use jojoba oil all over your body after a shower or bath to combat skin dehydration. Combine this with good fluid intake and your skin will bounce back after your illness.
- Also apply jojoba oil all over to recover from sunburn. Reduces redness and prevents peeling. Drink lots of liquids and stay cool after heat stroke or sunburn.
Natural Cold Sore Treatment
Cold Sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. It’s dormant in the skin until triggered by factors ranging from illness (colds and flus – thus a ‘cold sore’) to stress or badly chapped lips.
It’s highly contagious, so don’t spread it. Don’t share cosmetics or lip balms – get a lip balm for each person in the family, then label clearly with names to avoid cross contamination.
Jojoba naturally contains docosenol, an anti-viral ingredient used in cold sore creams. Apply jojoba oil directly to lips.
- Or try lip balms with high jojoba content – remember no sharing.
Anti-Fungal Jojoba and Athlete’s Foot
Tinea Pedis or Athlete’s Foot is a common skin infection caused by fungus. You generally pick it up walking barefoot around swimming pools and in locker rooms. Wear thongs or sandals in the gym showers to avoid infections.
- Jojoba contains iodine that helps fight fungal infections. It’s anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties heal foot and toenail fungal infections
Jojoba Oil & Acne
Intense cleansing or washing strips your skin of its natural sebum or oils. It seems counter intuitive, but the more oil you remove, the more your skin compensates by producing even more. The cycle of ‘too dry—too oily’ never ends.
Acne and Skin Infections
What’s worse is that dry skin can develop microscopic cracks and splits, bacteria gets in, multiplies and can cause or aggravate acne. Dry skin flakes also clog pores.
The goal should be to calm, soothe, and deeply cleanse skin so that it can heal and repair. You can reduce bacteria, clogged pores, inflammation and redness.
Jojoba Face Oil
- Jojoba oil is perfect for deep cleansing. Despite its name it’s not oil but a liquid wax. It is completely noncomedogenic, which means it won’t clog pores. Apply over skin then gently remove with damp cotton pads or clean washcloth.
- Jojoba softens and removes blackheads without harsh scratching. Jojoba cleanses without stripping moisture, this means your skin remains hydrated and calm.
- Jojoba’s deep cleansing lessens the appearance of pores.
- Body & back acne: jojoba’s natural anti-bacterial properties help clear spots & manage the bacteria associated with acne.
DYI - Make Your Own Jojoba Youth Potions
Most plant oils quickly oxidise or go rancid. Jojoba is not oil, but a wax ester so it has an extensive shelf life. It’s ideal for mixing and adding to your favourite cosmetic recipes.
- Add jojoba to facial oil to prolong its shelf life: jojoba is antibacterial & promotes stability
- Considered a ‘luxury oil’—that’s why jojoba oil is more expensive—like argan oil, evening primrose oil or meadowfoam oil , jojoba is perfect for soap making, adding conditioning properties
- Takes much longer for jojoba oil to expire. Substitute for coconut oil in almost any beauty recipe
- Add to your exfoliating scrubs – super gentle on skin and environmentally friendly. Jojoba beads are spherical in shape, with smooth edges that won’t micro-tear skin.
- Jojoba beads are biodegradable, and they come in different colours. No nasty micro plastics in our waterways.
- Jojoba is a carrier oil, so when you combine it with your favourite oil, like rosehip, it carries nutrients deeper into the skin’s layers.
- Mix jojoba with essential oils to create your own custom oils
Perfect Heels and Hair – Step into Spring
Start pampering your feet now so they are sandal ready for spring. Here is how to fix cracked heels and a no fuss way to keep hands and cuticles looking beautiful.
Jojoba is also naturally perfect for hair care – goodbye dandruff and split ends. And for the guys there are tips on maintaining a smart, perfectly groomed beard.
Treating Cracked Heels Naturally with Jojoba Oil
Cracked heels can be really painful and don’t look great. Skin on our heels should to be very supple and ‘stretchy’ so it can expand to absorb pressure from walking and standing (particularly when you’re pregnant). If heels get dry and thick, they lose their elasticity and literally ‘crack’ under pressure. With regular foot care you’ll get smooth, flexible pain free heels. Pamper yourself with this home treatment.
Jojoba Skin Care Heel Pamper
- Soak your feet in warm soapy water; add a few drops of jojoba oil to begin loosening tough skin. Gently rub with pumice stone (don’t rub dry skin – it causes more damage). Now pat feet dry:
- Massage jojoba oil all over feet— focus on very dry heel area. Put on a pair of socks to lock in moisture (and stop you from slipping).
- Jojoba benefits skin cracks and splits because it’s naturally anti-fungal, antibacterial and analgesic (reduces pain).
- If you have particularly stubborn calluses apply jojoba oil at bedtime, and cover with socks.
Treating Dry, Cracked Cuticles: When to use jojoba oil
Split, cracked and bleeding cuticles are most often caused by very dry skin. Regular washing in harsh detergents, nail polish remover, and dry weather strip moisture from cuticles. To heal and prevent more damage do two simple things: Protect and Moisturise.
- Wear protective gloves when doing housework or gardening. Apply jojoba oil to cuticles then wear cotton gloves under your rubber ones. This is the ultimate protection for hands. You’ll have baby soft, smooth hands after hours of housework.
- Skin on the top of your hand is much thinner, so add an extra layer of jojoba oil here for added protection
What is Jojoba - Naturally High in Vitamins A & E
- Jojoba is good for your skin because it naturally contains a balance of vitamins A and E. These are known as skin healing vitamins, helping produce enzymes that are used in collagen production. Your body uses collagen in skin repair.
Healing Split Cuticles
Painful cuticle splits and cracks need to be protected until completely healed. Cracked skin is where bacteria can enter your body and cause more serious problems. Use gloves and moisturise often until skin is back to normal – then keep using them to prevent flare-ups.
Remember, chronic cuticle infections or nail discoloration may also be a sign of an underling fungal or bacterial infection. A doctor can diagnose and treat this.
What does jojoba oil smell like?
- Natural jojoba has no strong smell and is very quickly absorbed by your skin. It’s an ideal hand moisturiser when handling food, as you won’t transfer nasty chemicals or perfumes onto your snacks.
Natural Remedies for Dry Scalp & Dandruff
One of the most common causes of flaky dandruff is dry skin; another is a yeast-like fungus called malassezia. It is naturally occurring and only a problem when out of balance causing excessive shedding (flakes).
Stop Dry Scalp Flaking
- Use a gentle shampoo, add a few drops of jojoba oil (naturally anti-fungal) to shampoo for added moisture
- Wash your hair less frequently to avoid stripping natural oils
- Use low heat settings when blow drying
- Avoid styling products that contain alcohol and don’t rub products directly onto your scalp
- Always condition after shampooing, especially if you colour hair regularly
Dry Scalp – Intense Moisture Treatment
As you age, your scalp produces less oil and hair gets drier and duller. Try an intense jojoba oil hair treatment for deeply moisturising hair and scalp. Jojoba is naturally rich in vitamins A, D and E, and is naturally anti-fungal. The oil helps flatten hair cuticles, creating shine.
- Rub a small amount of jojoba oil onto your scalp and hair. It’s quickly absorbed and will loosen flakes. Leave-in as long as possible, next very lightly shampoo hair, without scrubbing scalp.
Leaves scalp soothed and hair intensely hydrated and glossy.
Stopping Split Ends
Avoid split ends by very gently combing hair when wet: avoid tugging or pulling as wet hair is weaker and more likely to split. Colouring, curling irons and blow drying also create split ends. Minimise the damage and:
- Smooth down flyaway ends by rubbing a small amount of jojoba oil into ends.
Better Shave and Beard Care
Most men will get a razor rash at some time; with sensitive skin you’re more prone to it:
- Stinging
- Itching
Naturally Preventing Razor Rash
Moisture is key to a good shave — Before - During & After you shave. Jojoba is called oil, but it’s actually a jojoba wax. Non-greasy, very quickly absorbed, with no strong smell, it’s perfect for guys who like to keep skin care simple.
Tips for a Close Shave, Smooth Skin Minus Red Bumps
- Apply a very thin coat of jojoba oil to skin before shaving, it softens bristle and adds a protective layer
-Don’t use a blunt blade, replace blades regularly
- Never run a blade over dry skin
-Double blade razors are harsh on sensitive skin – try a single blade
- Use a mild shaving cream or soap
-Always shave in the direction hair grows, not against
- Pat dry skin and apply jojoba as post-shave face oil. Soothes and reduces redness.
- Jojoba oil is naturally antibacterial protecting against in-grown hair infections
Best Beard Moisturisers – Natural Oils
For a beard to look smart, neat and smell great it needs a fair bit of TLC. Avoid ‘beardruff’ (beard dandruff) with regular moisture, brushing and cleaning.
Replace Lost Moisture
Natural sebum oil coating our skin and hair keeps a beard nourished in the early stages. As your beard gets longer, the naturally occurring sebum is going to need a boost to cover all that area.
Chemical Free Beard Care
‘Beardruff’ shouldn’t be treated with harsh chemical dandruff shampoos. Try oils that are tree or plant based, and a much gentler option for sensitive skin. Jojoba oil is fragrance free and is the only oil that mimics our own natural sebum; the closest thing to a natural skin moisture boost.
- Rub a small amount of jojoba oil into beard to condition hair and skin
- Soften and smooth hair with jojoba oil before combing and brushing beard
- Rub a small amount through beard before washing to loosen dirt and tangles
- Rub jojoba oil under beard skin for deep moisturising, stops flaking and ‘beardruff’
- Jojoba balances facial skin, evens out moisture for skin not protected by beard
- Apply beard oil to tame a fuzzy beard. Remember to only use a pea size drop; you don't want it looking greasy
- Apply small amount to beard combs and brushes to loosen grime. Wash well in soapy water & rinse. Conditions brushes.
- Apply very thin layer of jojoba oil to beard and leave overnight for intense treatment. Rinse & comb as usual for a healthy, luscious beard.