Journey to Motherhood, Happy Mother's Day

This year, in the lead up to Mother’s Day, we sat down to chat to our co-founder Vicki and her mum, Joy, to reflect on motherhood - their individual and collective journeys.
Touching on the rewards, challenges and lessons they’ve learnt throughout their journeys, we thought it would be special to share with you what they had to say.
Co-founder Vicki’s Journey to Motherhood
Vicki and her husband start trying for a baby, but find their attempts unsuccessful
Vicki visits a naturopath, who tells her to go natural to better prepare her body for pregnancy
Apart of a new natural skincare routine, Vicki’s naturopath suggests using jojoba for the skin
Vicki uses Jojoba and loves it, but finding it was a challenge and the bottles were always small so her supply never lasted long
Vicki finally falls pregnant with her son, Tom
When Tom is a toddler, Vicki’s father Ian tells her he is growing jojoba on his farm and has received his first harvest
Vicki decides to start The Jojoba Company, to help others to reap the benefits of jojoba that she had enjoyed for so long
The Rewards & Challenges of Motherhood

When asked about the most rewarding parts about being a mother, here’s what our Co-founder Vicki had to say: “The most rewarding thing for me is watching my son grow up into a really lovely man… with integrity, with empathy, he cares for others and you realise that the hard work has paid off.”
When asked about the most challenging part of being a mother, Vicki talked about the difficulty of letting go: “My son’s getting a lot older now, and you want them to grow, you want them to develop, you want them to become independent, but it’s really hard as a mother to actually let go.”
Vicki’s Advice for Mums

When chatting to Vicki about motherhood, we asked her whether she had any advice for other Mums: “I think the best advice for any Mum is firstly, enjoy every moment you have with that child and yes, it’s the biggest cliche! But it goes so quickly - and they’re no longer a baby before you know it. Enjoy every moment.”
“The other piece of advice I would say is go with your heart and go with your gut. Don’t let anyone tell you how you should be a mother. You mother the way you’re comfortable. People will keep telling you advice “you should do this, you should do that” but what you should do is what feels right to you. I think we all instinctively know what’s right for us and how we want to mother our children.”
Here’s what she had to say about being the mother of a boy: “It’s important that he learns to love, that he learns to feel love, he learns to love others and I see my role as being able to guide that and nurture him towards that. I also see my role - to a boy - to show him the role of women, to show him that women can have a job, have a business as well as be a Mum and wear lots of different hats.”
What does it mean to be a mother in 2022?

Over the years, the definition of ‘mother’ has been shaped by the changes in our society. What once only defined a biological mother, the word ‘mother’ has been adapted to highlight the roles of more non-traditional types of mothers too, including step mothers, foster mothers, single mothers and even fathers and extended family who might play the role of a mother.
Additionally, in 2022, the role of Mum is as multifaceted as ever. Not only do Mums care and nurture their children, but they now juggle those responsibilities along with fulltime or parttime work, being the homemaker or even running their own businesses.
“I do think that the mother role has become a lot more complex but more fulfilling because you’re having your needs fulfilled as well as your child’s needs fulfilled.
At the end of the day, all Mums share one goal: to love, nurture and guide their children to become the best they can be.
Mother’s Day is not only a time to spoil Mum with flowers and chocolates, but a chance to truly reflect on and acknowledge her for all of her hard work, dedication and support over the years. Mums play a huge role in their children’s lives - caring for them, loving them and teaching them.
A mother’s love is all-embracing, all-accepting and never-ending. Whether they’re near or far, our mums are always there for us - as a cheerleader on our best days and as a friend and confidant on our worst days.
Mums, we see you - and we appreciate you. Today is a day to celebrate YOU. Happy Mother’s Day!